• A Red House Wedding

    A Red House Wedding

    We all remember where we were on February 14, 2020, when Machel Montano married Renee Butcher at the Red House – just three weeks after the building was reopened after years of renovation. The photos were everywhere and they were stunning, and for me, they opened my eyes to a whole new possibility when it…

  • On “rest”

    On “rest”

    This pandemic has changed my perspective on a lot of things. I wrote previously about how this pandemic, along with a series of unfortunate events (likely all triggered by the pandemic), forced me to re-evaluate my relationship with work. Six months post-resignation though, and I’m now realising that it fundamentally altered my perception of rest…

  • 5 places to eat along Trinidad’s east/west corridor

    5 places to eat along Trinidad’s east/west corridor

    What an awkward title.  I didn’t want to call this “food spots you should try in the east” because I think there’s a general debate about where the “east” begins.  I also didn’t want to call it food spots you should try outside of Port of Spain because I don’t go central or south with…

  • My Great Resignation

    My Great Resignation

    This year uprooted the professional lives of so many people that the press coined a whole moniker for the phenomenon – ‘The Great Resignation’.  I always assumed “burnout” was an often-used word, but probably less-experienced thing. I regarded the term with scepticism. I was a non-believer.  I’ve always considered myself a high performance worker (like…

  • Review: Harmony Eco Menstrual Cup

    Review: Harmony Eco Menstrual Cup

    For a few years now I’ve been trying to live my life a little more sustainably. Nothing too extreme, just trying to reduce the amount of single use plastics in my life and generally be more intentional and thoughtful about the waste I generate.  One item that had been tugging at the hem of my…

  • So the borders are open… now what?

    So the borders are open… now what?

    So, the borders are open… Let me tell you, it’s one thing to pine, wish and hope for something and another thing entirely to have that something in your grasp and be confronted by the realities of using it. That was me and our border reopening. Before the pandemic I would travel every other month…

  • Should you get a Priority Pass?

    Should you get a Priority Pass?

    Anyone who’s ever had to spend more than half an hour in an airport departure lounge, you know, it can be…uncomfortable. My earliest memory of an airport layover was going to The Netherlands with my mom and cousin when I was around 7 years old. We made our home on the floor of London’s Heathrow…

  • Thoughts in transit: Did I come to Malaysia for the wrong reason?

    Thoughts in transit: Did I come to Malaysia for the wrong reason?

    I’ve made a New Year’s resolution (not really) to try to be a better blogger. And in my head, being a better blogger means writing while I am on a trip, and not attempting to do it three years later when I can barely remember anything. Anyway, I’m three days into my trip to Malaysia…

  • To tour or not to tour?

    To tour or not to tour?

    To tour or not to tour? That is the question. Except for me, it’s not really a question. I have, in my online explorations, seen a lot of arguments for and against taking tours. Some people argue for the more organic route – show up and just see what happens, hang with the locals, get…

  • Travel gadgets on my radar in 2019

    Travel gadgets on my radar in 2019

    The year has just begun and for most people travel is on the brain. I’m no different really. I’ve been planning my trips for this year since the latter half of 2018 and while nothing is confirmed just yet, it looks like I have a pretty decent lineup so far. I had originally wanted to…